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Library DIY for Online and Distance Students

A guide to getting started with Bradley library resources for students in online programs or studying at a distance.


CINAHL (Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature) is a nursing and health science database that contains articles from over 5500 journals on nursing, speech and language pathology, nutrition, general health, and medicine. This tutorial will help you learn to perform basic searches and functions in CINAHL.

Using Cochrane Library

The Cochrane Library is a search tool consists of 7 databases, covering wide range of evidence-based systematic reviews and protocols in health sciences and contains over 5000 reviews. These tutorials from the Cullom-Davis Library will help you learn basic searching for Systematic Reviews; for more advanced searches or the use of other Cochrane tools, contact the Science and Health Sciences Librarian or consult the Cochrane Library Training Hub linked below.

Using PubMed

PubMed is a free project provided by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) that contains over 3 million citations for peer-reviewed biomedical and life science publications. This tutorial will teach you the basic functions of searching within PubMed. For help with more advanced features or acquiring the full text of articles, contact the Science and Health Sciences Librarian or consult the PubMed help page linked below.

Using ERIC

ERIC (Educational Resources Information Clearinghouse) is a database sponsored by the Institute of Education sciences and the US Department of Education. It contains peer-reviewed publications and also provides full-text for many articles. This tutorial will cover the basics of searching in ERIC and accessing this full text. For further assistance with using ERIC, consult the ERIC FAQ page linked below or contact the Online Learning Librarian.

Using PsycArticles

PsycArticles is a psychology database administered by the American Psychological Association (APA) that contains the full-text of articles from publications produced by the APA and other professional organizations. This tutorial will cover the basics of searching in PsycArticles. For assistance with more advanced features or research tasks, contact the Online Learning Librarian.

Using Mental Measurement Yearbook

Using Mental Measurements Yearbook

Mental Measurements Yearbook is a database that contains information about tests and other measurements used in psychology, education, business, and other fields. Reviews are available for many tests, as well as a bibliography of all English-language tests in prints. This tutorial will cover the basics of searching in Mental Measurements Yearbook. For assistance with more advanced features or research tasks, contact the Online Learning Librarian.