The Cullom-Davis Library has an extensive selection of ebooks, articles, and streaming video available online and accessible wherever you happen to be completing your Bradley coursework. However, there may come a time when you need to access to something that digital access is not an immediate option for. Systems and processes are in place to ensure access to these materials.
For articles and books not available in the Cullom-Davis Library’s online collections, current Bradley patrons may make an interlibrary loan request using ILLiad. Articles will be emailed to you in a digital format. The process for books and other physical items will be determined by the requester’s location. This determination will be made by the ILL Coordinator and the requester will be contacted regarding the chosen process.
Articles that are part of the Library’s collection, but only available in a print format, may be requested using the Document Delivery Request Form. The article in question will be scanned and emailed to you in a digital format. This service is only available to current Bradley faculty, staff, and distance learning students.
Students in online programs have the right to access physical materials owned by the library. In the case of books and other non-article materials, multiple access options may be considered. An electronic copy may be licensed and provided as an alternative, or the item may be mailed to the student. Current online students should contact their liaison librarian to determine the most appropriate option for their circumstance.