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Librarians in Canvas

A guide to collaborating with librarians within Canvas.

Using Library Guides

Whether you add a librarian to your course or not, it is easy to integrate library content into your course. The "Library Guides" option in the Canvas navigation menu will automatically display a relevant library research guide for your course.

The Library Guides option appears in the nav menu with announcements, assignments, discussions, etc.

For instance, for an ENG class, the English research guide; for an ENG 115 class, the specific ENG 115 guide. Course prefixes for which no specific guide exists will see the all-purpose "New to BU? Library Fundamentals" guide. It's also possible to display multiple guides - for example, the APA Citation Guide, if it relevant to your course.

A sociology course shows the research guides for Anthropology, APA Citations, and Sociology.

Guides can also be removed from your course by moving them to the "Hide from students" section on the Navigation menu in Canvas.

For more information or to discuss a custom research guide for your class, contact the Online Learning Librarian.