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APA Citation Guide (7th edition)

Guidance for formatting papers and citations in using the "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association" (APA).

Basic Format for Webpages

Webpage on a news website

Author Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of work. Website Name. URL

Webpage on a website with a group author

Corporation/Group/Organization’s Name. (Year, Month Day). Title of work. URL

Webpage on a website with an individual author

Author Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of work. Website name. URL

Examples of Webpages

Webpage on a News Website

Bologna, C. (2019, October 31). Why some people with anxiety love watching horror movies. HuffPost.

Webpage on a website with a group author

World Health Organization. (2018, May 24). The top 10 causes of death.

Webpage on a website with an individual author

Giovanetti, F. (2019, November 16). Why we are so obsessed with personality types. Medium.

For More Information

More information about citing web pages and websites can be found in APA Style Guide -- Online Media in the table (in column 2), and examples in Section 10.16 of the book. These citation examples will be ones that do not fit any other reference category (e.g. a Journal article), and have no parent publication (e.g. a journal) other than the website itself. Be specific; the preference is for web pages over websites. If you reference more than 1 webpage from a website, make a reference for each one. Also, if you just mention a website, do not create create reference list entry, just add the URL in parentheses after the name of the website in your text (see Section 8.12).