The video below (length 1:40) illustrates the pros and cons of searching Google for academic projects.
Use websites to find valuable evidence from authoritative resources like academic institutions, the government, other research bodies, or non-profits.
Websites have a wealth of information, but not websites are reputable or have legitimate information. If you are using the information found on the web, you must evaluate the information before using it.
Use the SIFT method to evaluate web sources and determine if you should use the information for your assignment/project.
Tip: Don't be fooled by .org, while .orgs are fairly reliable, some are not.
Tip: Use .gov and .edu websites when you can
If you are finding health information on websites, make sure you are evaluating it to make sure you are using good information. Follow the steps outlined in "Find Good Health Information" linked below.
Several online magazines who are written for non-scientists can lead you directly to peer-review articles.