Use your search strategy to find articles and other digital resources in the databases listed below.
Scholarly articles for a range of nursing specialties.
Biomedical and health sciences articles. This version has been customized for our library so that the Get It @ Bradley link will appear.
Scholarly articles and other resources for all academic subjects, from 1887 to today. New Ebsco Interface.
Mostly full history of 70 scholarly journals by the American Psychology Association, APA.
Company information (reports and industry news), legal information (US and international case law, statutes, reviews) and news (US and international newspapers, TV/radio transcripts).
Comprehensive list of testing instruments for education and psychology. Includes reviews but not full-text of tests.
You should also use subject headings to create a more powerful search. A subject heading is a word or phrase assigned to a topic. An item is tagged with the subject heading to describe what the item is about.
For example, pressure injury, pressure wound, pressure sore, and pressure ulcer are all terms used interchangeably. A subject heading designates one term or phrase to describe this topic.
The collections of subject headings you will use in health sciences are
Using a combination of subject headings and keywords makes your search query more powerful.
The resources linked below demonstrate using subject headings in CINAHL and PubMed.
Some helpful MeSH Terms are:
MeSH Subheadings
MeSH Subheadings are qualifiers that can be attached to MeSH Terms. They are used to describe an aspect of a MeSH Term. Some helpful subheadings are:
Note: Subject headings can also be problematic as these terms do not change very often. Subject terms are often biased, especially when describing people. It is possible that an item may be tagged with a subject term that is antiquated. Librarians work to get these terms updated with the authorizing body but it takes a lot of time and effort so the change is not as fast as we would like.