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Library Services for Faculty & Staff

An introduction to library resources and services available to Bradley faculty.


The Library supports your academic research needs through providing materials and expert assistance.

Finding and Using Library Resources

The Cullom-Davis Library has a multitude of resources available in the library as well as online. They can be accessed through two main tools: the library catalog and the databases.

  • The catalog is useful for finding books, ebooks, DVDs, streaming video, journals by title, and physical items available from other libraries through I-Share. It also allows you to search for articles from a selection of databases.
  • The databases contain millions of articles. The library's databases are accessible from anywhere with your Bradley ID. If we don't have the full text of an article, you can order it via ILL.

Liaison Librarians

Every department has a librarian assigned to it as a liaison. Your liaison librarian can assist you in finding and ordering materials to support your research. You can find your liaison librarian listed on the Research Help page.

Trial Databases

The Cullom-Davis Library provides access to over 100 databases for articles, ebooks, primary sources, and other online materials. We regularly offer new databases on a trial basis to assess their usefulness to our students and faculty. The current trials can be found on the Trial Databases page on the library website. If you would like to request a trial of a database or online resource that we don't currently subscribe to, please contact your subject librarian. 


The Cullom-Davis Library is part of a state-wide consortium that allows to you borrow materials from other college and research libraries in Illinois. This system is called I-Share. Books from other libraries can be found and ordered through the library catalog. Instruction for how to do this are detailed in the video below.

Interlibrary Loan - ILLiad

The Library provides full-text access to millions of articles and a huge selection of books, via our own collections and through I-Share. However, if you encounter an article, book, or other item that is not available through our database, catalog, or I-Share, you can request those items through our Interlibrary Loan system, called ILLiad.

Google Scholar

Add the library to your Google Scholar settings to seamlessly connect to the Cullom-Davis Library's collection and services. Use the directions linked below.