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ENC 703 / 704: Action Research

Resources to assist with research in doctoral-level education

Finding Books at Bradley

Finding Books

Finding Ebooks

To find ebooks available through the Cullom-Library Davis, you'll start in the library catalog. This is also where you'll find some streaming video available through the library. To access the catalog, you can start your search from the catalog search box on the homepage; you can click any of the catalog links below the search box; or you can find Library Catalog under the Find, Borrow, Request menu.

The catalog can be found under the first tab on the homepage search box or under the Find Borrow Request menu.

Once inside the catalog, you can type keywords related to your topic into the search boxes, then hit the search button.

The simple search box provides one field for keywords. The green magnifying glass icon starts the search.

This will bring up a mixture of everything the library has to offer - ebooks and streaming video as well as physical books and DVDs. To limit your results to only materials that are available online, you can make use of the filtering options on the left under "Tweak Your Results." The most important of these is under "Availability" - select "Available Online" and then hit the "Apply Filters" button that appears.

The Availability options filter for format - Available Online will bring back ebooks and streaming video.

Now all of your results should be available online. Under the title of each results, you should see a link that says "Available Online" that will provide you with access to the online materials. You may also see "[number]versions found", which indicates that the library has physical copies as well. If you click on the "versions found" link it will show you all your options, including the "available online" link.

Online resources are identified by the label Available Online in the results list. A multiple versions available label means multiple formats may exist.

After you have limited your results to "Available Online,"  you can filter them even further. If you are looking specifically for ebooks or for streaming video, click on "Resource Type" on the left and select the option that you're looking for.

Resource Type filters let you distinguish between books, journals, videos, and other sources.

Finding Print Books

As an online student, you might find ebooks to be the most convenient. However, you still have access to all of our collections, including physical printed books. 

Finding physical books in the library catalog is similar to finding ebooks - just don't filter for "Available Online." Instead, choose "Held by Library."

Held by library is the filter that brings back print or physical materials.

How the print books get to you will be determined by your proximity to campus. If you find a physical book you would like to request, contact Christina Norton, Online Learning Librarian at to figure out the best process.

Finding Video

Using the Catalog to Find Video

Videos from Kanopy and other video collections are also findable through the catalog. You can filter your search results to show only video by selecting "Video/Film" from the Material Type drop-down menu in Advanced Search. 

Video/Film is an option under the Advanced Search Material Type filter.