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A guide for locating resources relevant to assignments in chemistry classes.

Finding Books

You may also find the ebooks from the "Very Short Introduction" series helpful for learning about a topic. This series from Oxford University Press "offers concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects...Each volume provides an authoritative and engaging assessment of a concept, field, or body of work, drawing out the central ideas, themes, and approaches. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, new insights, and enthusiasm to make often challenging topics highly readable to develop your core knowledge...the series is an indispensable and accessible guide that will enrich your understanding." (from the publisher).

Bradley's library uses the Library of Congress classification system.  All natural sciences are in the Q's.  
1-65      - General Works
71-142   - Analytical chemistry
146-197 - Inorganic chemistry
241-449 - Organic chemistry
450-899 - Physical and theoretical chemistry
901-999 - Crystallography​
Related fields not in the QD's
QA - Mathematics
QC - Physics
QC 172-173 - Constitution and properties of matter
QC 310-319 - Thermodynamics
​QC 450-467 – Spectroscopy
QC 762-763 - NMR, EPR
QE - Earth Sciences, including Geochemistry
QH - Biology 
QP 501-801 - Biochemistry
RS - Pharmacy, medicinal chemistry
T 174.7 - Nanotechnology 
TA 455 - Materials (non-metallic)
TD 193 - Environmental chemistry
TP - Chemical Technology (includes engineering)
TS - Manufactures 
TX - Food Science, Nutrition