The most popular database at BU for chemistry is CAS SciFinder (previously called "SciFinder Scholar").
Additional databases with chemistry information.
Scholarly articles and other resources for all academic subjects, from 1887 to today. New Ebsco Interface.
Biomedical and health sciences articles. This version has been customized for our library so that the Get It @ Bradley link will appear.
Abstracts and links to articles from journals across multiple disciplines. Extensive coverage of many disciplines from1966-today.
I-Share is the system you use to request items from other libraries. Instructions on how to place requests for items through I-Share can be found here or you can contact the Research Help Desk for help. You will be notified once the item has arrived at the library, then you can pick up the item(s) at the Check Out Desk using your Bradley ID during regular business hours.
If you encounter an article that doesn't have full-text (PDF) available, there are steps you can take to find access or request the full text from the library.
'BU can buy the article' uses Get It Now which requires you to use your BU email.
'Request through Interlibrary Loan' uses ILLiad. If you have never used ILLiad, follow these instructions.
Google Scholar is a useful way to do a broad search and see what's available on your topic. However, it doesn't directly provide access to the full-text of articles, and you will often hit paywalls.
If you use Google Scholar, use the customized link so that the "Get it @ Bradley" links will appear in the results. "Get it @ Bradley" links you to access the library for full-text access or to request the item through interlibrary loan.