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Anatomy Models

The library's collection of 3D anatomy models.

27-Part, Dual-Sex, Life-Size Torso with Open Back

This is a model of the internal anatomy of the human body with more than 225 demonstrable features and structures. The torso offers a full range of removable structures, including kidney, lungs, pancreas, stomach, esophagus, intestine, and even the trachea, among others. The removable heartmodel of human head and torso displaying internal organs dissects into two parts, allowing for greater views of cardiovascular anatomy. This torso features interchangeable male and female genital inserts as well.

3B Scientific Eight-Part Brain

Different separations of the brain expose different levels of detail and complexity. Each median section is dissectible into frontal with parietal lobes, temporal with occipital lobes, half of the cerebellum, and half of the brain stem.human brain model on a stand


8-Part Deluxe Human Brain with Arteries

Labeled with 41 structures, this brain makes an idea study aid for medical school at a variety of levels, as well as patient education.

The brain can be easily disassembled into 8 pieces; Frontal and parietal lobes (2 pieces), temporal and occipital lobes (2 pieces), brain stem (2human brain model with veins pieces), and cerebellum (2 pieces). It also features an attached Circle of Willis and basilar artery. The model is held together with a unique combination of magnets and pegs, allowing for easy and intuitive reassembly. 

Human Heart Anatomy Model (7 Parts)

This heart model shows the anatomy of the human heart and is horizontally sectioned at the level of the valve plane. The heart can be dissected intohuman heart model on stand the esophagus, trachea, superior vena cava, aorta, front heart wall, and upper half of the heart.


Hand-Painted Human Heart Model - Life Size

The detailed 3D rendering of the human heart with its vibrantly colored anatomy is ideal for studying the structure and function of the human heart.human heart on stand Key anatomical parts are colored and numbered for comparison with the anatomy key that is included. The heart itself can be removed from the base and the model also separates so that the inner anatomy (atria, ventricles, and valves) can be further explored. 

3/4 Full-Sized, Two-Part Heart Model

The heart's major functions and structures of this model are numbered for easy memorization. human heart model on stand

Human Eye Model

This large (3x life-size) anatomical human eye model shows the optic nerve in its natural position in the bony orbit of the eye (floor and medial wall). The human eyeball can be dissected into: Both halves of the sclera with cornea and eye muscle attachments, Both halves of the choroid with iris andhuman eye model 3 times life size on a stand retina,  Eye lens, and Vitreous humor. 

Giant Ear Model

This model of the human ear represents the outer, middle, and inner ear. The detailed human ear model has a removable eardrum with hammer, anvilhuman ear model including ear canal. Larger than life size. and stirrup as well as the two-part labyrinth with cochlea and auditory/balance nerve. 

SOMSO Neuroanatomy Head Model

 This model is a detailed transparent skull, full cervical vertebral column, and a removable 8 part brain. The primary and secondary motor and sensory cortical fields are indicated by color, as are the different centers of speech, auditory and visual fields, and the limbic system. The brain can bemodel of transparent human skill with brain dissected into 8 parts (frontal and parietal lobes, temporal and occipital lobes, medulla in 2 parts, and cerebellum in 2 parts). The brain can be removed to reveal the cranial nerves and arterial vessels of the neck and skull area. 10 parts on a green stand.

SOMSO Model of the Head Anatomy

This model features the human head in a cross-section longitudinal view. The model is life-size and made with SOMSO-Plast material The model shows, in median section, part of the cervical vertebrae modelled three-dimensionally. The Model of the Head is not detachable and is mounted on a green base.cross-sectional model of human head and neck on a stand

Axis Scientific Head and Neck Muscle Model

With more than 100 identifiable features this is a life-size head and neck model anatomy model. Includes detachable skull, brain, eye, and vein. It is 9 parts plus a stand. Head and Neck Muscle model