If you are trying to keep track of all the books, articles and other sources for your projects, a citation management program can help. Zotero is a free program to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research. This guide will help you understand Zotero's function and get the program set up for use on your device.
The following video outlines step-by-step directions for the initial set-up of Zotero:
The video length is 3:46.
The tutorial above mentions the OpenURL Revolver (found under "Advanced" in the Preferences menu). Copy the URL below to paste as described about 03:00.
This video demonstrates how to add a source (like a journal article) into your Zotero account including
The video length is 7:44
NOTE: This video was recorded from a previous version of the library's website. When you follow these steps the pages may look different but the steps are the same.
This video demonstrates how to export sources in the citation format you want and add them into your paper/project including
Remember as with all citation generators, check each citation generated for errors using the corresponding style manual. Machines make mistakes.
The length of this video is 8:04.
NOTE: This video was recorded from a previous version of the library's website. When you follow these steps the pages may look different but the steps are the same.
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*During research help hours