Streaming video can be searched for and accessed using the library catalog, but you can also go directly to our streaming videos collections and search within them.
The library catalog is a starting point to access many different kinds of resources that are available through the library. There are several different collections you can search through using the catalog.
The last line of a catalog results will tell you where you can locate the item, whether online or physically. If it's an ebook or other material that is viewable online, it will be labeled as "Available Online."
If it is a physical item that you need to find inside the library, it will say where in the library it is located, and give you the call number (a string of letters and numbers, in parentheses) to find it on the shelf. The example below is available on the bottom floor of the library.
Call numbers are not intuitive; you will get the hang of them. We are here to help you locate a book on the shelf. At most universities, the library uses the Library of Congress system, which is very different from the Dewey Decimal system you may have seen in a school or public library.
To read a call number: