Before searching, it is helpful to determine what type of information you need. The information available on your topic will depend on the information cycle and the flow of scientific information.
Knowing the package of the information you want (journal articles, books, conference proceedings, reports, etc.) helps determine where you will search.
As the diagram indicates:
Librarians often refer to this latter sort of publication as grey literature, indicating that it is shadow-like in the sense that it is more difficult to find libraries that have this form of publication than the forms of publication that we see below on the diagram.
The next stage is publication in the primary literature
The next stage is a description of the research in the secondary literature
The final stage is a description of the research in the tertiary literature
Note that monographs (also called books) straddle the last two stages. This is because some monographs or books point only to well-accepted scientific research, and other monographs point also to scientific research that is still being evaluated.