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Graphic Novels

This guide is dedicated to all manner of leisure reading, our collections aren't just for housing a wide variety of useful research material (though we have that too) we also house a wide array of graphic novels, films and popular reading materials to hel

Nonfiction Graphic Novels

This genre is going to include both Graphic Novels as well as traditional books that deal with the topic of Graphic Novels. Whether they are illustrated memoirs or meta-analysis of the comic book medium, this genre has a lot to offer for readers looking for a more grounded reading experience.

Featured Nonficiton

They Called us Enemy by George Takei


This memoir follows the early life of famous actor George Takei where he spent time in American internment camps during World War II. This graphic novel goes over what it was like to live in these internment camps and serves as a reminder of what used to be in this powerful firsthand telling. This story paired with the beautiful illustrations by Harmony Becker means this is a graphic novel that you just can't miss.
